You Know You Are A Yoga Geek When…


  • You have footprints on your wall

  • You always have a yoga mat in the car

  • You own a Neti pot or know what one is

  • You dream of yoga poses

  • Your yoga mat has a permanent place on the floor of your home

  • You know the names Iyengar, Krishnamurti, Vanda Scaravelli, Pattabhi Jois and others

  • You spend as much time in your bare feet in the winter as you do in the summer

  • You own a belt that is not for pants

  • You wonder if you will ever reach "enlightenment"

  • You are aware of your breath

  • You have a bookshelf dedicated to only yoga books

  • You know the Sanskrit names for poses and you use them

  • When facing a dilemma, you ask yourself, "What would a yogi do?"

  • You take pictures of your children and animals doing yoga poses

  • When purchasing undergarments, comfort in yoga poses comes to mind

  • You are compelled to do a headstand at any given time

  • You have read the complete or sections of the Bhagavad Gita

  • You have a favourite Yoga Sutra

  • You are considering a yoga retreat for your next "getaway"

  • You understand that there is never a "final pose"

  • You practice at home as well as in class

  • You realize that your yoga extends beyond your mat

  • You don't feel the need to wear trendy yoga outfits

  • You practice acceptance and compassion towards yourself and others

  • You know how to place your yoga mat down quietly

  • You feel joy and gratitude towards your practice


(By the way, geeks are the new "cool")

