Mindfulness Robyn Bowman Mindfulness Robyn Bowman

Developing a deep meditation practice demands consistent daily effort. Incremental progress through daily practice enhances one's skill, and meditation is indeed a skill.

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yoga, Mindfulness Robyn Bowman yoga, Mindfulness Robyn Bowman

Building a new habit requires significant effort, but the challenge is not only achievable but sometimes it’s necessary. Initiating a new habit presents a dual challenge: not only are we integrating a fresh set of behaviours, but we are also detaching from previously ingrained patterns. Essentially, this process entails rewiring our brains!

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Yoga Robyn Bowman Yoga Robyn Bowman

Have you spent long hours sitting at a desk or hunched over a screen? If so, you have probably noticed that over time your muscles feel stiff, your joints ache and your neck and shoulders become filled with tension. Your body is communicating to you through sensation! It may be time to take a short movement break to break the cycle.

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